It's time to DROP the spreadsheets. Stop wasting time filling in the blanks.

  • Our DCF Calculator is easy to use, shows previous years financials, and provides an opportunity to quickly adjust different variables and see how it affects the future financials and intrinsic value.
  • The financials page provides up to 20 years worth of data for over 10,000 companies, with easy to view charts and many important key metrics such as historical PE ratio.
  • On our Current Valuation page, we look at various historic metrics and compare them to current levels, to get an idea where the market currently is on a macro level.
    Or check out one of the many blog posts we have on various investment related topics.



In order to fully understand a company you have to look at their financials. We've made that easier then ever by providing up to 30 years of financial statements and key statistics, with visual charts to help you better understand potential trends.


Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)

Discounted cash flow is the most used valuation technique in modern investing, which values a company based on it's expected future cash flows. We created a calculator based on Professor Aswath Damodaran's theory, that makes it much easier to value businesses.


Current Market Valuation

An overall market valuation focused on the S&P 500 compared historically using various metrics such as CAPE Ratio, Buffett Indicator, Relative Interest Rate, and Yield Curve. Updated Regularly.


About the Founder

Guy checking his stock portfolio on iPhone while drinking a cup of coffee in front of his macbook pro.

StockDeepDive was created out of the passion I have for investing, data science, and programming, and the dislike I had for spreadsheets. I was spending too much time doing the calculations to find intrinsic value, going to multiple websites and using multiple spreadsheets. I knew in order to be a successful investor I needed to spend more time on the qualitative side of the businesses , trying to find out what the future looked like for that company, rather than doing calculations. It was for that reason I originally created the discounted cash flow calculator.

My investment philosophy is simple: buy strong companies at a good price, and hold for a long time. In order to do that, following Aswath Damodaran's philosophy, I come up with a story for the companies future, and turn that into growth projections. I then input those projections into the DCF calculator to come up with a fair intrinsic value. If there is enough of a margin of safety I will buy into the company.

In order to come up with a story for the company, I often start by looking at past financials. Although not always indicative of future performance, it's a good place to start. This allows you to see the current financial situation they are in, look at past trends (such as growth rates), and understand the cash flow of the company.


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