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Reported Currency: USD TTM 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 2012-12-31 2011-12-31 2010-12-31 2009-12-31 2008-12-31 2007-12-31 2006-12-31 2005-12-31 2004-12-31
Revenue 15,634,200 15,320,200 14,187,800 12,733,100 11,790,200 12,562,000 14,668,200 13,835,900 13,152,800 13,545,100 14,280,500 13,253,400 11,838,700 6,798,500 6,089,700 5,900,600 6,137,500 5,469,600 4,895,814 4,534,832 4,184,933
Revenue Growth - 7.98% 11.42% 8.00% -6.14% -14.36% 6.02% 5.19% -2.90% -5.15% 7.75% 11.95% 74.14% 11.64% 3.20% -3.86% 12.21% 11.72% 7.96% 8.36%
Cost of Revenue 8,977,600 9,143,000 8,831,000 7,615,800 6,905,800 7,045,800 8,625,900 8,099,800 6,898,900 7,223,500 7,679,100 7,240,100 6,483,500 3,475,600 3,013,800 2,978,000 3,141,600 2,691,700 2,416,058 2,248,831 2,031,280
Gross Profit 6,656,600 6,177,200 5,356,800 5,117,300 4,884,400 5,516,200 6,042,300 5,736,100 6,253,900 6,321,600 6,601,400 6,013,300 5,355,200 3,322,900 3,075,900 2,922,600 2,995,900 2,777,900 2,479,756 2,286,001 2,153,653
Gross Profit Margin 42.58% 40.32% 37.76% 40.19% 41.43% 43.91% 41.19% 41.46% 47.55% 46.67% 46.23% 45.37% 45.23% 48.88% 50.51% 49.53% 48.81% 50.79% 50.65% 50.41% 51.46%
Research and Development 192,000 192,000 190,000 186,000 185,000 190,000 216,000 201,000 189,000 191,000 197,000 188,000 183,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General and Administrative Expenses 4,210,100 3,824,500 3,653,800 3,416,100 3,309,100 3,550,800 3,968,600 3,789,700 4,299,400 4,345,500 4,577,600 4,281,400 3,920,200 2,438,100 2,261,600 2,174,200 2,257,500 2,090,900 1,868,114 1,743,581 1,615,064
Total Operating Expenses 4,217,500 4,016,500 3,653,800 3,416,100 3,309,100 3,550,800 3,968,600 3,789,700 4,299,400 4,345,500 4,577,600 4,281,400 3,920,200 2,438,100 2,261,600 2,174,200 2,283,400 2,110,600 1,868,114 1,743,581 1,619,531
Operating Income or Loss 2,402,400 2,160,700 788,800 892,000 818,500 1,845,200 1,947,000 1,950,100 1,915,000 1,561,300 1,955,000 1,560,600 1,289,300 753,800 806,800 681,300 712,500 667,300 611,642 542,420 534,122
Operating Margin 15.35% 14.10% 5.56% 7.01% 6.94% 14.69% 13.27% 14.09% 14.56% 11.53% 13.69% 11.78% 10.89% 11.09% 13.25% 11.55% 11.61% 12.20% 12.49% 11.96% 12.76%
Interest Expense 319,400 354,700 243,600 218,300 290,200 214,400 222,300 255,000 264,600 243,600 256,600 262,300 276,700 82,100 59,100 61,200 87,500 70,700 44,418 44,238 49,811
EBITDA 2,896,300 3,084,300 1,727,500 1,735,100 1,631,200 2,841,400 2,153,600 2,013,700 1,954,500 1,976,100 2,023,800 1,731,900 1,435,000 1,288,400 814,300 748,400 1,073,100 978,900 880,211 799,355 785,971
Depreciation and Amortization 929,700 923,600 938,700 843,100 812,700 775,300 938,300 893,300 850,700 859,500 872,000 816,200 714,500 395,700 347,900 334,300 334,700 291,900 268,569 256,935 247,382
Income Before Tax 2,093,300 1,755,500 1,343,400 1,414,200 1,161,400 1,731,500 1,804,600 1,762,400 1,650,400 1,317,700 1,698,400 1,298,300 1,012,600 679,600 747,700 620,100 650,900 616,300 567,224 498,182 488,778
Income Tax Expense 361,500 362,500 234,500 270,200 176,600 288,600 364,300 243,800 403,300 300,500 476,200 324,700 311,300 216,300 216,600 201,400 202,800 189,100 198,609 178,701 178,290
Net Income 1,712,200 1,372,300 1,091,700 1,129,900 984,800 1,558,900 1,429,100 1,504,600 1,229,600 1,002,100 1,202,800 967,800 703,600 462,500 530,300 417,300 448,100 427,200 368,615 319,481 310,488
Net Income Margin 10.95% 8.96% 7.69% 8.87% 8.35% 12.41% 9.74% 10.87% 9.35% 7.40% 8.42% 7.30% 5.94% 6.80% 8.71% 7.07% 7.30% 7.81% 7.53% 7.05% 7.42%
EPS 6.00 4.82 3.83 3.95 3.43 5.41 4.95 5.20 4.20 3.38 4.01 3.23 2.41 1.95 2.27 1.76 1.83 1.73 1.46 1.25 1.10
EPS Diluted 5.96 4.79 3.81 3.91 3.43 5.33 4.88 5.12 4.14 3.32 3.93 3.16 2.35 1.91 2.23 1.74 1.80 1.70 1.43 1.23 1.09
Weighted Average Shares Out - 285,000 285,200 286,300 287,000 288,100 288,600 289,600 292,500 296,400 300,100 299,900 292,500 236,900 233,400 236,700 245,400 246,800 252,100 255,741 257,575
Weighted Average Shares Out Diluted - 286,500 286,600 289,100 287,000 292,500 292,800 294,000 296,700 301,400 305,900 305,900 298,900 242,100 237,600 239,900 249,300 251,800 257,100 260,098 260,407

Reported Currency: USD Q2 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 2012-12-31 2011-12-31 2010-12-31 2009-12-31 2008-12-31 2007-12-31 2006-12-31 2005-12-31 2004-12-31
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 384,000 919,500 598,600 359,900 1,260,200 118,800 114,700 211,400 327,400 92,800 209,600 339,200 1,157,800 1,843,600 242,300 73,600 66,700 137,400 484,029 104,378 71,231
Short Term Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 42,800 28,800 46,300 58,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125,063 0
Cash + Short Term Investments 384,000 919,500 598,600 359,900 1,260,200 118,800 114,700 211,400 327,400 92,800 209,600 339,200 1,157,800 1,843,600 242,300 73,600 66,700 137,400 484,029 229,441 71,231
Net Receivables 3,042,400 3,021,100 2,698,100 2,478,400 2,273,800 2,489,000 2,662,500 2,703,300 2,341,200 2,390,200 2,626,700 2,568,000 2,225,100 2,095,300 999,600 1,016,100 971,000 974,000 867,541 743,520 738,266
Inventory 1,505,900 1,497,200 1,792,800 1,491,800 1,285,200 1,081,600 1,546,400 1,445,900 1,319,400 1,388,200 1,466,900 1,321,900 1,088,100 1,069,600 447,600 493,400 467,200 450,800 364,886 325,574 338,603
Other Current Assets 820,000 206,300 404,700 357,000 298,200 33,100 354,100 53,500 291,400 326,300 384,700 306,300 215,800 223,500 101,500 147,200 91,500 65,700 50,231 57,251 54,928
Total Current Assets 5,752,300 5,644,100 5,494,200 4,687,100 5,117,400 4,828,400 4,677,700 4,596,400 4,279,400 4,447,500 4,871,100 4,698,400 4,892,000 5,396,000 1,869,900 1,814,200 1,691,100 1,717,300 1,853,557 1,421,666 1,279,066
Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 3,989,900 4,028,100 3,741,600 3,685,300 3,548,700 3,695,000 3,836,000 3,707,100 3,365,000 3,228,300 3,050,600 2,882,000 2,409,100 2,295,400 1,148,300 1,176,200 1,135,200 1,083,400 951,569 835,503 834,730
Goodwill 7,821,900 8,148,200 8,012,700 8,063,900 6,006,900 5,569,100 7,078,000 7,167,100 6,383,000 6,490,800 6,717,000 6,862,900 5,920,500 5,855,300 1,329,300 1,414,100 1,267,700 1,279,200 1,035,929 0 0
Intangible Assets 3,334,000 3,493,500 3,680,700 4,224,100 2,977,000 2,927,500 3,797,700 4,017,600 3,817,800 4,109,200 4,456,800 4,785,300 4,044,100 4,275,200 282,500 312,500 326,700 328,900 223,787 1,139,955 1,220,906
Long Term Investments 32,800 23,600 44,500 -120,600 -163,200 56,500 -105,100 41,700 -92,300 -58,300 -71,500 -54,500 -51,000 22,300 -112,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tax Assets 121,300 119,300 108,100 120,600 163,200 136,200 105,100 102,200 92,300 58,300 71,500 54,500 51,000 118,000 112,000 0 0 0 176,184 0 0
Other Non-Current Assets 409,600 389,800 382,500 546,000 476,000 3,656,400 685,100 330,300 485,000 365,900 371,200 407,900 306,600 278,600 242,200 303,900 336,200 314,000 178,339 399,504 381,472
Total Non-Current Assets 15,709,500 16,202,500 15,970,100 16,519,300 13,008,600 16,040,700 15,396,800 15,366,000 14,050,800 14,194,200 14,595,600 14,938,100 12,680,300 12,844,800 3,002,300 3,206,700 3,065,800 3,005,500 2,565,808 2,374,962 2,437,108
Other Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Assets 21,461,800 21,846,600 21,464,300 21,206,400 18,126,000 20,869,100 20,074,500 19,962,400 18,330,200 18,641,700 19,466,700 19,636,500 17,572,300 18,240,800 4,872,200 5,020,900 4,756,900 4,722,800 4,419,365 3,796,628 3,716,174
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 1,690,700 1,566,300 1,728,200 1,384,200 1,160,600 1,075,300 1,255,600 1,177,100 983,200 1,049,600 1,162,400 1,021,900 879,700 815,700 349,300 360,900 359,600 343,700 330,858 277,635 269,561
Short Term Debt 137,900 756,500 505,100 411,000 17,300 502,600 743,600 564,400 541,300 2,205,300 1,705,400 861,000 805,800 1,023,000 189,200 98,500 338,900 403,500 508,978 226,927 56,132
Tax Payables 137,200 158,700 197,600 104,300 96,100 239,800 100,600 313,500 87,400 52,200 88,600 80,900 77,400 155,800 36,700 21,800 0 0 0 0 0
Deferred Revenue 106,100 110,900 116,500 91,700 80,400 76,700 75,800 1,032,200 603,700 561,200 649,000 652,000 596,200 764,000 344,800 323,900 0 0 0 0 0
Other Current Liabilities 1,912,900 1,912,100 1,860,600 1,666,300 1,673,900 1,976,000 1,610,600 658,100 891,200 948,300 869,800 953,800 771,000 563,600 441,500 466,900 743,400 771,100 662,894 614,795 613,854
Total Current Liabilities 3,847,600 4,345,800 4,210,400 3,553,200 2,932,200 3,630,600 3,685,600 3,431,800 3,019,400 4,764,400 4,386,600 3,488,700 3,052,700 3,166,300 1,324,800 1,250,200 1,441,900 1,518,300 1,502,730 1,119,357 939,547
Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Debt 7,538,800 7,551,400 8,413,100 8,629,800 6,969,800 6,319,100 6,301,600 6,758,300 6,145,700 4,260,200 4,864,000 6,043,500 5,736,100 6,613,200 656,400 868,800 799,300 599,900 557,058 519,374 645,445
Deferred Revenue 438,600 425,500 0 894,200 1,226,200 1,386,500 -4,991,200 1,025,500 1,019,200 -164,100 -227,300 -865,700 46,300 1,254,200 500,500 517,000 0 0 0 0 0
Deferred Tax 290,700 418,200 505,600 622,000 483,900 537,300 764,600 642,800 970,200 1,281,200 1,415,800 1,661,300 1,174,200 1,305,300 65,300 86,700 74,200 86,100 92,478 0 0
Other Non-Current Liabilities 1,038,200 1,033,500 1,076,600 254,100 312,400 269,800 6,260,300 415,300 204,800 1,519,600 1,645,500 1,899,300 1,402,900 160,700 192,200 288,600 869,900 582,800 586,869 508,687 568,663
Total Non-Current Liabilities 9,306,300 9,428,600 9,995,300 10,400,100 8,992,300 8,512,700 8,335,300 8,841,900 8,339,900 6,896,900 7,698,000 8,738,400 8,359,500 9,333,400 1,414,400 1,761,100 1,743,400 1,268,800 1,236,405 1,028,061 1,214,108
Total Liabilities 13,153,900 13,774,400 14,205,700 13,953,300 11,924,500 12,143,300 12,020,900 12,273,700 11,359,300 11,661,300 12,084,600 12,227,100 11,412,200 12,499,700 2,739,200 3,011,300 3,185,300 2,787,100 2,739,135 2,147,418 2,153,655
Common Stock 367,100 365,700 364,700 364,100 362,600 359,600 357,000 354,700 352,600 350,300 347,700 345,100 342,100 336,100 333,100 329,800 328,000 326,500 322,578 318,603 315,743
Retained Earnings 10,653,300 10,075,400 9,318,800 8,814,500 8,243,000 9,993,700 8,909,500 8,045,400 6,975,000 6,160,300 5,555,100 4,699,000 4,020,600 3,559,900 3,279,100 2,898,100 2,617,000 2,298,400 1,983,272 1,719,201 1,585,957
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/Loss -1,899,400 -1,850,400 -1,726,600 -1,634,800 -1,994,400 -2,089,700 -1,761,700 -1,642,300 -1,712,900 -1,423,300 -951,900 -305,200 -459,700 -344,900 -271,900 -232,900 -359,100 63,100 -96,512 9,764 71,746
Total Stockholders Equity 8,287,400 8,044,700 7,236,100 7,224,200 6,166,500 8,685,300 8,003,200 7,618,500 6,901,100 6,909,900 7,315,900 7,344,300 6,077,000 5,666,700 2,129,200 2,000,900 1,571,600 1,935,700 1,680,230 1,649,210 1,562,519
Total Investments 32,800 23,600 44,500 -120,600 -163,200 56,500 -105,100 41,700 -92,300 -58,300 -71,500 -54,500 -51,000 22,300 -112,000 0 0 0 0 125,063 0
Total Debt 8,115,300 8,733,400 8,918,200 9,040,800 6,987,100 6,821,700 7,045,200 7,322,700 6,687,000 6,465,500 6,569,400 6,904,500 6,541,900 7,636,200 845,600 967,300 1,138,200 1,003,400 1,066,036 746,301 701,577
Net Debt 7,731,300 7,813,900 8,319,600 8,680,900 5,726,900 6,702,900 6,930,500 7,111,300 6,359,600 6,372,700 6,359,800 6,565,300 5,384,100 5,792,600 603,300 893,700 1,071,500 866,000 582,007 641,923 630,346

Reported Currency: USD TTM 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 2012-12-31 2011-12-31 2010-12-31 2009-12-31 2008-12-31 2007-12-31 2006-12-31 2005-12-31 2004-12-31
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net Income 1,717,600 1,372,300 1,108,900 1,144,000 -1,185,500 1,442,900 1,440,300 1,522,400 1,247,100 1,017,200 1,222,200 973,600 701,300 463,300 531,100 418,700 448,100 427,200 368,615 319,481 310,488
Depreciation & Amortization 929,700 923,600 938,700 843,100 812,700 775,300 938,300 893,300 850,700 859,500 872,000 816,200 714,500 395,700 347,900 334,300 334,700 291,900 268,569 256,935 247,382
Deferred Income Tax -156,600 -55,700 -142,600 -1,100 -45,800 -22,100 85,100 -354,500 -90,600 -244,500 -121,500 -130,500 -3,200 41,700 -31,100 88,100 80,600 2,500 -18,806 -13,021 24,309
Stock Based Compensation 119,300 95,100 87,800 89,500 82,100 84,000 94,400 90,500 85,700 78,200 71,100 69,600 65,800 39,900 29,200 37,300 0 0 0 0 0
Change in Working Capital 364,700 162,700 -276,700 600 -209,200 -117,500 -319,800 39,700 29,000 -79,400 -182,800 -196,600 -67,900 -226,300 44,200 -31,700 -135,500 62,800 -9,046 218 -2,499
Accounts Receivable -141,600 -84,300 -319,600 -178,200 155,600 -173,100 -164,100 -91,800 900 -24,000 -175,400 -147,400 -189,700 -106,000 -39,300 45,100 0 0 0 0 0
Inventory 77,100 320,300 -402,900 -73,000 -179,500 22,300 -141,100 -85,500 18,800 -48,600 -210,800 -30,500 -2,000 -36,100 18,600 13,000 -57,500 -19,300 -17,987 2,553 -5,481
Accounts Payable 242,500 -232,300 394,700 200,400 55,900 22,900 113,500 121,100 -55,100 -46,100 174,700 50,600 79,000 60,900 6,800 -25,100 0 0 0 0 0
Other Working Capital 186,700 159,000 51,100 51,400 -241,200 10,400 -128,100 95,900 64,400 39,300 28,700 -69,300 44,800 -145,100 58,100 -64,700 -78,000 82,100 8,941 -2,335 2,982
Other Non-Cash Items 940,800 -86,200 72,300 -14,200 2,405,900 258,100 39,400 -100,100 -182,200 368,800 -45,400 27,500 -207,500 -28,800 29,100 -151,700 44,500 17,300 16,563 26,523 2,784
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 2,900,700 2,411,800 1,788,400 2,061,900 1,860,200 2,420,700 2,277,700 2,091,300 1,939,700 1,999,800 1,815,600 1,559,800 1,203,000 685,500 950,400 695,000 753,200 797,600 627,564 590,136 582,464
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Investments in Property, Plant, and Equipment -827,500 -774,800 -712,800 -643,000 -489,000 -731,300 -847,100 -868,600 -756,800 -815,200 -793,900 -662,300 -607,500 -366,000 -297,700 -297,300 -394,500 -361,500 -320,939 -268,783 -275,871
Acquisitions Net -110,200 -170,500 -7,200 -3,923,700 -370,800 -384,600 -220,600 -870,400 -48,600 -269,600 -72,200 -1,446,000 87,700 -1,633,200 -27,400 -13,700 -201,600 -309,600 -63,730 -26,967 -129,822
Purchases of Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 10,700 30,500 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -185,688 0
Sales/Maturities of Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,100 2,100 1,300 108,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125,063 60,625 0
Other Investing Activities -34,700 -45,200 3,200 -13,000 445,300 -83,200 -6,400 53,000 -55,900 45,600 17,800 20,600 31,900 -25,100 21,500 11,700 15,400 7,400 25,622 11,701 12,102
Net Cash Used for Investing Activities -972,400 -990,500 -716,800 -4,579,700 -414,500 -1,199,100 -1,030,000 -1,673,200 -829,500 -915,800 -848,300 -2,087,700 -487,900 -2,024,300 -303,600 -299,300 -580,700 -663,700 -233,984 -409,112 -393,591
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Debt Repayment -1,131,500 -501,900 -89,700 -1,047,300 -208,800 -400,600 -551,600 -799,000 -820,400 -189,000 -907,800 -388,900 -1,694,900 -513,300 -74,000 -250,400 -186,000 -114,300 -262,151 0 -16,781
Common Stock Issued 200,600 96,800 29,100 3,312,100 241,500 -68,200 456,300 1,349,500 76,800 83,100 0 0 777,600 4,327,700 89,200 46,400 36,400 96,700 87,946 61,408 59,989
Common Stock Repurchased -522,200 -13,700 -518,200 -106,600 -146,200 -353,700 -562,400 -600,300 -739,600 -755,100 -428,600 -307,600 -209,900 -690,000 -348,800 -68,800 -337,200 -371,400 -282,764 -213,266 -165,414
Dividends Paid -649,400 -617,300 -602,800 -566,400 -560,800 -552,900 -496,500 -448,700 -427,500 -400,700 -344,400 -218,100 -306,800 -162,900 -145,500 -132,700 -128,500 -114,000 -101,174 -89,807 -82,419
Other Financing Activities 34,300 -18,600 344,300 11,400 156,400 25,800 -18,500 -24,200 -521,500 -184,100 609,800 -155,800 40,400 -27,700 16,900 7,700 379,700 20,600 541,782 95,637 -800
Net Cash Used Provided by Financing Activities -2,068,200 -1,054,700 -837,300 1,603,200 -341,800 -1,349,600 -1,172,700 -522,700 -868,200 -1,150,900 -1,071,000 -292,600 -1,393,600 2,933,800 -462,200 -397,800 -235,600 -482,400 -16,361 -146,028 -205,425
Effect of Forex Changes on Cash -24,300 -45,700 4,400 14,300 -30,100 20,400 7,600 -11,400 -7,400 -49,900 -25,900 1,900 -7,300 6,300 -15,900 9,000 -7,600 1,900 2,432 -1,849 2,157
Net Change in Cash -170,200 320,900 238,700 -900,300 1,073,800 -107,600 82,600 -116,000 234,600 -116,800 -129,600 -818,600 -685,800 1,601,300 168,700 6,900 -70,700 -346,600 379,651 33,147 -14,395
Cash at End of Period 2,784,700 919,500 598,600 359,900 1,260,200 186,400 294,000 211,400 327,400 92,800 209,600 339,200 1,157,800 1,843,600 242,300 73,600 66,700 137,400 484,029 104,378 71,231
Cash at Start of Period 2,954,900 598,600 359,900 1,260,200 186,400 294,000 211,400 327,400 92,800 209,600 339,200 1,157,800 1,843,600 242,300 73,600 66,700 137,400 484,000 104,378 71,231 85,626
Free Cash Flow
Operating Cash Flow 2,900,700 2,411,800 1,788,400 2,061,900 1,860,200 2,420,700 2,277,700 2,091,300 1,939,700 1,999,800 1,815,600 1,559,800 1,203,000 685,500 950,400 695,000 753,200 797,600 627,564 590,136 582,464
Capital Expenditure -827,500 -774,800 -712,800 -643,000 -489,000 -731,300 -847,100 -868,600 -756,800 -815,200 -793,900 -662,300 -607,500 -366,000 -297,700 -297,300 -394,500 -361,500 -320,939 -268,783 -275,871
Free Cash Flow 2,073,200 1,637,000 1,075,600 1,418,900 1,371,200 1,689,400 1,430,600 1,222,700 1,182,900 1,184,600 1,021,700 897,500 595,500 319,500 652,700 397,700 358,700 436,100 306,625 321,353 306,593